Friday, December 27, 2019

Literature Review And Hypothesis Development - 852 Words

2. Literature Review and hypothesis development The topic of valuation of early-stage companies, patents, and technologies have been a topic of study since the late 1980’s. Since the work published by Amit et al (1990) a body of management science literature was published around the value relevance of non-financial information that quantifies the human capital of the founding team. Amit et al posit that In Initial Human and Financial Capital as Predictors of New Venture Performance, Cooper et al (1994), reviewed a sample of 2994 entrepreneurs across various sectors, high-tech and non-high-tech, to determine whether an entrepreneur’s upbringing, experiences and education had a statistically significant relationship with the probability of success. Zacharakis and Meyer’s research (1998) into the investment decision-making processes of VC investors is particularly pertinent to whether VC investments can be systematically improved and whether there are any gaps between understanding of their procedures and what happens in reality. Zacharakis, via studying 53 VCs from the two main start-up hubs in the United States (Silicon Valley and Colorado Front Range), establishes that there is a gap between the factors that affect VCs’ decision-making in reality and the factors that VCs identify as pertinent to their decision-making. Several findings from paper directly parlays to the value and applicability of my study. First, when VCs are faced with a case where there is a dearthShow MoreRelatedSignificance Of The Research And Theoretical Contributions855 Words   |  4 Pagestheoretical gap of the diverse and multi-faced definitions of the term creativity and how the term is actually used in Hong Kong’s context of educational reforms. 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Hypothesis The hypothesis is not stated clearly. However, there isRead MoreGender Roles : Gender Role Play Essay1226 Words   |  5 Pagescan be tricky to observe, it is incredibly relevant due to the fact play in general has a huge effect on children and their development and enhancement in cognitive and behavioral skills. Previous literature has found that make-believe play can enhance social skills, emotional regulation, care and affection, attention span, creativity, etc. With the previous literature reviews it was found that gendered toys and gendered jobs were already noticed by young children, for example, if a toy is a more masculineRead MoreMaternal Depression On Child Wellbeing And Development1415 Words   |  6 Pagesthese percentages rose to achieve 24 to 50 per cent when the paternal postpartum depression was associated with maternal postpartum depression. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Animal Testing Should Be Banned - 1326 Words

Although many believe animal testing is necessary to ensure medicines and cosmetic products are safe, alternative methods of testing, such as in vitro tests and EpiDerm, are available and should be implemented. Animal testing is the use of animals in research to determine the safety of a product. Animal testing is an outdated science while alternative, non-animal methods are rapidly becoming more effective. Laws in the United States do not require cosmetics or medicinal drugs to be tested on animals, only that the products must be proven safe. Animals are harmed during the tests, despite the numerous laws put in place to avoid cruelty. In order for animals to be protected and laboratory tests to yield the best results, animal testing methods should be replaced with alternate tests. Animal testing is not a recent concept. In ancient times, philosophers and doctors would experiment on living animals to learn about anatomy and body systems. The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, performed live animal dissections to form theories about how the body worked (â€Å"Should Animals Be Used†). A surgeon named Ibn Zuhr tested surgeries out on animals before applying them to human patients (Scutti). More recently, in the early 1900s, there were no laws to ensure that products had to be safe for human use. Laws were passed in 1906 to prevent the misbranding of drugs, food, and drinks. A bill was proposed in 1933 to revise the 1906 law, but it was not passed in time to prevent the deathsShow MoreRelatedShould Animal Testing Be Banned?844 Words   |  3 PagesShould animal testing be banned? Nowadays, a lot of animals has been tested on a range of experiments over the world. You could be supporting animal teasing cruelty without knowing it. Have you ever check if there’s animal testing on the cosmetics before you buy it? Today, a lot of cosmetics has been testing on helpless animals and there are about 1.4 million animals die each year from animal testing ( CatalanoJ, 1994). Most of the experiments that are completed in the laboratories are very cruelRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned880 Words   |  4 Pagesdepending on animals testing. Therefore, if people talk about laboratories, they should remember animal experiments. Those animals have the right to live, according to people who dislike the idea of doing testing on animals; the other opinion, supports the idea of animal testing as the important part of the source of what has reached medicine of the results and solutions for diseases prevalent in every time and place. Each year huge numbers of animals a re sacrificed for the science all these animals, whetherRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned776 Words   |  4 PagesAnimal Testing Should be Banned  ¨Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisioned and abused in US labs every year ¨ ( ¨11 Facts About Animal Testing ¨). Imagine if that was someones animal getting tortured in labs just to test things such as beauty products and perfume. Animal testing was first suggested when,  ¨Charles Darwin evolutionary theory in the mid 1850s also served to suggest that animals could serve as effective models to facilitate biological understanding in humans ¨ (Murnaghan)Read MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned940 Words   |  4 Pages1). Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned, and abused in US labs every year. 2). 92% of experimental drugs that are safe and effective in animals fail in human clinical trials. (DoSomething â€Å"11 Facts About Animal Testing†). There are currently no laws combating the testing of cosmetics on animals, but the practice is harmful and must be ended. As evidenced by the statistics above, millions of animals are tortured and murdered in the United States every year for virtually no reasonRead MoreShould Animal Testing Be Banned?1665 Words   |  7 PagesTesting Cosmetics on Animals Companies around the world use animals to test cosmetics. Animals, such as rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, rats, and mice, are used to test the effects of chemicals on the eyes and skin. While animal testing is not mandatory, many companies use it. About Cosmetics Animal Testing by the Humane Society International talks about the different options companies have that do not require the cruel use and eventual death of animals. The article also talks about the overallRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1572 Words   |  7 PagesAnimal Testing Every year, over two hundred million innocent animals are injured or killed in scientific experiments across the world. Of those animals, between seventeen and twenty million are used in the United States alone. It is said that an animal dies in a laboratory every three seconds (Animal Testing 101). Those in favor of animal experimentation say they are taking animals’ lives to save humans. It is not necessary to subject animals to torturous conditions or painful experiments in theRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1581 Words   |  7 PagesAnimal testing is being used by different organizations all over the world to prevent specific diseases, especially cancer. Americans see animal testing having a harmful effect but it is one of the main reasons why society has most cures for some illnesses. This topic is important because people need to know what goes on during animal testing and why it is very beneficial. Animal testing needs to be used to find all cures. Some ani mals such as chimps/ monkeys have 90% of the same DNA humans haveRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Not Be Banned1721 Words   |  7 Pages † Today, more animals are being used in experiments than ever before: around 100 million in the United States alone† (3). Animal testing is now an international issue, and it is becoming a major story. Currently, animals are often used in medical testing, make-up testing, and other consumer product testing. Animals used in such product testing are often abused and suffer from serious side-effects. Animal testing can be painful for the animals, testing results are usually not even useable forRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned1364 Words   |  6 Pagesbenefit. Using animals for these experimentations usually does not come to mind. Animals are often abused, suffer, and even die during laboratory testing for the benefits of people to make sure medications, household products, newest procedures, and cosmetics are safe and effective for human use. Humans have benefited from animal testing for years while these animals suffer consequences with no positive outcomes for themselves. Even if a product or procedure is deemed successful, these animals are frequentlyRead MoreAnimal Testing Should Be Banned Essay1632 Words   |  7 Pages Animal Testing Should Be Banned Throughout the decades, animals have been used in medical research to test the safety of cosmetics including makeup, hair products, soaps, perfume, and countless of other products. Animals have also been used to test antibiotics and other medicines to eliminate any potential risks that they could cause to humans. The number of animals worldwide that are used in laboratory experiments yearly exceeds 115 million animals. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

School documentaries Essay Example For Students

School documentaries Essay How have schools been represented in the documentary Summer Hill at 70 and Panorama The Ridings School and the BBC drama Hope and Glory?In this essay I will be writing about three television programmes two documentaries â€Å"Summer Hill at 70? and the Panorama documentary The Ridings School I will also be writing about one drama â€Å"hope and glory†, which is a fictional BBC drama. â€Å"Summer Hill at 70? was filmed in 1991 at Suffolk. â€Å"Summer Hill at 70? was founded by AS Neill in 1921. The genre of Summer Hill 70 is real-life, has factual interviews, features filming things as they happen and is edited in particular ways. The purpose of the programme was to show a negative view of a school, to shock, entertain and to inform watchers. The programme was aimed at adults, governors and inspectors, I think. The aim of the school was to allow complete freedom to children and teenagers, no adult authority, equal voting rights for teachers and pupils, the children were al lowed to decide whether or not they wanted to attend lessons or not, teachers had relaxed lessons, children had no bedtimes set they were just free to do what they wanted when they wanted and how they wanted. â€Å"Summer at 70? is represented as a very destructive and violent school, like the Panorama documentary â€Å"The Ridings School. Pupils were allowed weapons guns, knives, and we were told there were darts being thrown around and we were shown kids making arrows with bits of twig and a penknife. The pupils came from all parts of the world such as America and lots of different parts of Asia, but Matthew Appleton complained that the programme did not show the spread of nationalists. There were also lots of different types of lessons such as massage lessons and science lessons where they make bombs to test on the field. The editors selected only bad images over a large period (one and a half term.) of time filming at the school. Annual weekly meetings solved all problems that occurred but the video didn’t actually show any problems being solved which made us think that no problems were solved the camera didnt show every meeting but I’m sure that some were, there would be at least one person of the meetings shown who would end up in tears. They constructed a meeting from lots of different ones, mostly all bad parts of the meetings. In the video they also showed a boy that was being bullied by another boy and I dont think they showed all the meetings, only the worst parts of the meeting they were involved in. In the video they showed a girl who had about fourteen pounds worth of make up stolen, but the problem was never solved the meeting came up with the idea of searching the room of the girl accused. The only place of security is the padlocked chest. Their must have been at least had some good times but the film makers decided to edit them out. The show makers only choose to show scenes where c onflict was present. The editors showed lots of people that were unhappy, ill and vulnerable children. The editors only focused on disturbed people and all the dangerous events that took placeNext I will discuss the Panorama documentary â€Å"The Ridings School† this school is like â€Å"Summer Hill at 70? has not been dramatised like the BBC drama â€Å"Hope and Glory.† â€Å"The Ridings School† has been represented as a school in desperate need of money and as a violent school, and has been dubbed â€Å"The worst school in England† the report that the school was closing down was made into national news not just local. All the interviews were done with a black background, which gave the effect that they had, no where too run and no where too hide they also had close ups of the face. They could have done it outside with all the trees and natural scenery, which would have been much better. Shots of the disrupted classrooms were done through a dark, gloomy window. The shot through the window showed teachers sitting down, kid fighting and things being thrown across the classrooms, which gave the effect that the pupils and teachers were being spied on, like someone who sees something going on in a house or somewhere they don’t want to be noticed if they were spotted what ever was going on might have stop. .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b , .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b .postImageUrl , .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b , .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b:hover , .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b:visited , .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b:active { border:0!important; } .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b:active , .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub8361e9ab9e82c96ba43eae403b68a4b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Theme Of Death In Othello And A Doll House EssayThe school was merged together through other schools so the teachers and pupils would have been rivals for a long time. The teachers of each subject would have been fighting to be head of the subject they teach. The pupils were fighting so they could solve their differences. Thirteen pupils were excluded after just four days. It was described as a â€Å"Bar room brawl.† The G.C.S.E results were 1% A-C grades but the Q.E.H.S results were about 68 times more. 68% is well above the average of England, the film- makers didnt have to say the average of the school but they did which made me think it was even worse a scho ol than what I already thought.There was a camera shot of the near by council estate there was a burnt out car in the shot as well, this estate was where most of the pupils lived and most pupils were on free school meals. When the school was shut down, everyone who was in connection with the school blamed each other kids and parents were blamed, Chris Woodhead blamed the teachers and head blamed her-self. The school was promised money, the teachers had their hopes up, the building needed immediate attention as ceiling’s and window frames were falling apart. They had a very painful wait waiting for the money that they were promised. And in the end they didn’t get the money that they were promised. In one incident a girl was excluded for three months now and for several reasons but she wanted too go back because she wanted too do her G.C.S.E. the editors chose too show the scene with this girl pushing a pram in slow motion which gave the effect that she was all bad and that there was no good in her it also shows that she is shameful. But at the end of the video they do show a few pupils who do want to do their G.C.S.EThey also showed a shot of Halifax where this school was based it was shot when the sky was at its ugliest. Which gave the affect that this was the end, no more Ridings. Hope and Glory, the BBC drama is represented as a school with lots of things that go on behind the staff room doors. The makers used the backdrop of a school because there are lots of problems with children and teachers problems behind the staff room door and people can relate to it. Because it is meant to entertain the school becomes a venue. The show is aimed to entertain like a typical family Sunday night drama would do. The show is unrealistic it contains the head marrying a pupils mum, the P.E teacher was like a kid forgetting his books and plans for the day, there was kissing during break periods, it also shows good looking and glamorous teachers. The makers didnt show many classrooms with teachers actually teaching the pupils. It actually didnt show many classrooms at all. Was never aiming to have a realistic view of schools. The school was meant to be a school in special measures but unlike The Ridings School and Summer Hill at 70 the pupils were much more well behaved and all the buildings were modern. The programme also showed a scene where two teachers swapped lessons and a school inspector laughed it off. The corridors were empty, there was no sign of break time chaoss. Which is very unrealisticIt showed a boy and a girl fighting which very unlikely and in one shot they showed an exam they had an overhead view of a girl going up which made her look vulnerable and small. There was hardly anyone in the assemblies. The comedy came from the caretaker who lost a boy hamster. .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d , .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d .postImageUrl , .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d , .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d:hover , .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d:visited , .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d:active { border:0!important; } .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d:active , .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3d1c944e474587481d499d5e3f412a2d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Knights 2 EssayThe last episode showed a teacher who was an alcoholic and had stress related problems, he held a class hostage as well as a teacher. Then another teacher saved the day, which is very unrealistic. The stressed teacher then delivered a speech on the school roof about all the worries and concerns that teachers generally have, out the mouth of a drunken man. The head was also on the roof he was going bluer and bluer as the drunken teacher was delivering his speech about the difficulties that teachers suffer. All three programmes have been edited to suit the makers, point of view, to make viewers see things the way the makers see it. Or just to make things interesting for watchers of the programmes. All three schools have been represented as schools with major problems but with different problems, Summer Hill at 70 problems with pupils, The Panorama documentary The Ridings School the problem with money, Hope and Glory the problem with the staff behind the staff room doors. There are also many more problems, which have been representedIn this media studies course work I have learnt that everything that you see on television is not always one hundred percent true due too film editors. The media can influence in what we think and the media constructs a reality through representation.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Importance of Uk Visitor Attractions to Tourism free essay sample

The international passenger survey data also says that there was a decline in UK visitors visiting abroad. There was a 14% fall of the outbound spent in 2009. The attractions had a 2% increase, as there were visitors who live locally in 2008. However there was also an increase in 8% in 2009. Domestic Tourism- Visit England which is the national tourist board said that the 5. 4 million overnight trips that took place in the UK in January had an increase of 5% then in 2011. The Great Britain tourism survey has also said that there was an increase of spending by 16% which is ? 77 million. The domestic overnight trips that were taken in January increased by 5% then in 2012. The spending also increased by 10 per cent. Visit England has said that this positive growth could have been influenced, as January was the mildest from 2008. However in January, the snow affected visitors as they could travel. James Berresford, Visit England’s Chief Executive, commented: â€Å"This positive s tart to 2012 follows on from the success of 2011, during which domestic overnight trips rose by 9 per cent for the whole year. We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of Uk Visitor Attractions to Tourism or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page We are working very hard with tourism businesses across England to maintain this momentum, and to ensure that the industry can benefit from the opportunities presented by the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, the Torch Relay and the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. This is an unprecedented year – it is our job to inspire Brits that now is the time to take a holiday at home. † Supporting regeneration of areas- The Blackpool tower was reopened after it had the 10 month restoration programme. This restoration projected, was trying to encourage the families to stay longer at the resort. This meant that they had to reinvest in ? 20 million of the tower and the promenade. The Blackpool tower eye has a floor to ceiling glass; this is good because people can look at the coastline. Other features that were introduced at Blackpool is the 4D cinema and it also has the vibrating floor. Councillor Graham Cain, Blackpool Councils cabinet member for tourism and culture, said: Thanks to the regeneration that has already taken place, visitor numbers have steadily been increasing with 13 million visits last year, and people seeing a new side of Blackpool How visitor attractions contribute to the UK economy- The tourism industry is very important to the UK economy as it financially represents the investment. The royal wedding had an increase of visitors to the UK and only 30% visiting the individual tourist attractions. However some venues were trying to attract visitors to their venues, for example at the Leeds castle, people were able to watch the Royal wedding. Contributing to the local and national economy- The visitor attractions create jobs for young people. For example the Olympic Games, created loads of jobs for the young people as well as volunteering for the jobs. However Alton Towers also created jobs for young people, whether that’s a permanent or temporary job. There are loads of jobs that are created at Alton towers, these jobs are 950 jobs that are in the kitchens, conferences and also the bars. The local people work at Alton Towers; these are 70% of people from Staffordshire because they are flexible. Promoting cultural exchange- Britain’s culture is the kings and queens such as the Royal Family. The UK also has landscapes and castles such as Warwick castle and the Windsor castle. There are other festivals that also take place in the UK such as the Glastonbury festivals and also T4 on the beach. Other traditional British culture is the food, such as fish and chips and the Sunday roast and the mince pies. Other traditions are also the royal wedding, jubilee celebrations, London Marathon. Providing a learning environment- The National Space Centre provide a Education or Space Academy programmes, including space theatre shows, tailored workshops, or simulated space missions in the Challenger Learning Centre. All of their programmes are linked with the National Curriculum for Primary and Secondary Education. The Space Academy partnership, led by the National Space Centre, is specifically focused on supporting secondary students and their teachers. When visiting the Space Centre galleries students attention can be focused on the exhibits and how they relate to what they are learning by using one of our exhibition trails. There are different trails for each of the key stages, from key stage 1 to key stage 4. Each trail is aimed at different areas of the curriculum to enhance students understanding of specific topics. Though if educational centres can visit the attraction the Space Centre can come to you. They offer video conferences or an outreach programme, which include workshops and our inflatable planetarium (the StarDome). Merit- The London eye was opened on 31st December in 1999 by the Prime Minister Tony Blair. The London eye lies on the south bank of the River Thames in the Jubilee Gardens which is only a few minutes away from the waterloo station. To celebrate the 2000 millennium, London eye was the main project. The London eye is 443 feet high; also 32 capsules carry up to 25 passengers. This makes the capacity of 800 people. However the wheel also moves at half a mile of an hour, and it takes 30 minutes to do a full rotation. The London eye is the most popular paid attraction, which is also visited by over 3. 5 million people a year. The London eye also provides a learning environment by providing educational programmes that links with the national curriculum. However they also offer teaching resources, teacher testimonials and curriculum links. However the London International Survey reveals that the international visitors in 2012 spent highly during their time in the city. Then in 2011international visitors spent less. The average expenditure of a person per day was ? 106. 16. Visitors from Europe spent 8% less than the average, the North Americans spent 12% above the average. The North Americans were also high spenders of ? 51,58 per person per day. The survey also showed the international visitors to the city between January and May 2012, that most visitors were from United States (24%) and the second most visitors was Germany (11%). The history of London encouraged visitors from overseas to come to the city. Between the months January and May most of the overseas visitors (76%) arrived to the UK by plane British Airways. This was the most used airlines, then the low cost such as Ryan Air and Easy jet. Other overseas visitors (16%) arrived by train and other (66%) used the Eurostar. The data has revealed that the Eurostar is becoming more popular for the overseas visitors; this is very good for the nearby country France as it’s easier for them to access to the UK. The international visitors’ using this service has increased by 4% in 2012 than in 2011. The trains have now become popular to come to London in 2012 than in 2011. The overseas visitor number is 86%. This is because London has attractions such as Museums, traditions that attract the visitors. However the average overseas visitor stayed in London for 5. 02 nights. The North Americans stayed 10% longer than the average which is 5. 66 nights. The European visitors only stayed in the city for 4. 26 nights. Buckingham Palace is the Queens official residence. There are 775 rooms at Buckingham Palace. There are 19 state rooms,52 royal guest rooms,188 staff bedrooms and also 92 offices and 78 bathrooms. However Buckingham palace attracted 600,000 people, this is because the Duchess of Cambridge wedding dress is located at the Queens London residence. This is because Sarah Burton designed the gown which is on display. Buckingham Palace was open to visitors from 23rd of July till 3rd October, which attracted the average of 8,200 per day. The balcony of Buckingham Palace is very famous in the world. The first balcony appearance took place in1851. This is when Queen Victoria stepped on the balcony of the opening of the great exhibition. Buckingham Palace attracts all different types of visitor types such as families, school children, adults. Buckingham palace does tours and guides for their visitors; this is because they provide a learning environment, as Buckingham palace has a lot of history. However more than 50,000 have visited the palace each year as the Queen guests at banquets, lunches, dinners, receptions and garden parties. Buckingham house was transformed into Buckingham palace in the 1820s Buckingham House was transformed into Buckingham Palace in the 1820s by the architect John Nash for George IV. However the first monarch to use Buckingham Palace as their official residence was Queen Victoria, which moved there in 1837. The previous monarch was William IV had preferred to live at Clarence House and to used St. Jamess Palace for State functions. Buckingham Palace is not just the residence of the Queen but also the Duke of Edinburgh, The Duke of York, The Earl and Countess of Wessex, The Princess Royal and Princess Alexandra have private offices and also apartments in the Palace. The largest room in the Palace is the Ballroom, this is where Investitures and State banquets take place t. It is 36. 6m long and 18m wide and 13. 5m high. It was opened in 1856 with a ball to celebrate the end of the Crimean War.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

On Love And Hate Essays - Love, Emotions, Discrimination, Hatred

On Love and Hate Historically, extremes in emotion and reason do not often mix. I am thus cautious of attempting to comb through love or hate with reason. My recourses are two: to (yes, using what reason I have) separate intellectual thought from emotion; and to apply as little reason as possible without ceasing to write. It seems reasonable (sorry) to assume that emotion and reason have nothing to do with each other. It also seems very likely that one cannot exist with the other. They seem capable of cohabitation within a single person, but fall upon differing objects. Are not the things we love or hate not the things we understand? Hate: Hate is one of our reactions to a lack of understanding. We cannot hate that which we understand. Hate is our frustration at failure to comprehend. The more we understand something hated, the more our hatred becomes sadness or pity, or deepens to a hatred of that which caused whatever it was that we did not understand. In the latter case, the hatred may increase with understanding, but the object of the hatred has shifted. We are given a wide range of paths for dealing with our hatred, from the altruistic to the reactionary. The altruists, wishing peace without societal discord, tell us to repress our hatred and replace it with love, a path bound eventually for emotive explosion and breakdown. The diametric path gives us a series of smaller explosions with promise of emotional stability as a result of constant expulsion of malefic urges. Neither of these, or combinations thereof, are terribly productive ways in which to deal with hate, as even the moderate paths deal with the hatred only superficially and inefficiently. I see the only way around hatred being understanding. Upon comprehension of the object of hatred, one is either better equipped for the constructive removal of said object, cooly and rationally; or no longer desirous of the removal. Either outcome is fully satisfying altruistically. In the latter case, one must accept simultaneously a bit of humility for having been mistaken as well as a bit of pride for having become a bit more correct. This leaves one emotionally balanced. The hatred is not repressed, but transformed. The same emotional energy is simply working in a different direction. Upon the removal of the object, the hatred is put to work in a positive manner instead of simply lashing out half-cocked and possibly incorrectly. The process is simply that of questioning: "why does this specific situation exist?", and "what can be done to cause this situation not to exist?". Realize that just as for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction; for every reaction, there is an equal and opposite cause; and that nothing is simply either cause or effect, but everything is both. Love: Ask the same questions, hope not to find answers, and don't be disappointed when you do. If you find understanding of the object of love, it will no longer be an object of love, as love, similarly to hate, is a reaction to a lack of understanding. The faster you find answers, the more superficial the emotion. When answers come in the form of more questions, you have a true indication of the intensity and thoroughness of the emotion, and there is more likelyhood that when love finally disappears, through comprehension, it will be replaced with respect and admiration which you will find very easy to tell yourself is the same thing. I am sorry if it seems I have advised you to processes that diminish or destroy emotions; I have not. Emotions, contrary to poetic assumption, are not permanent, but transitory (although it is certainly not impossible for them to remain for durations exceeding a human lifetime). I believe that the proper thing to do with emotions is to consummate them, not to either prolong or shorten their duration, for one is stagnation and the other repression.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on The Battle Of The Alamo

The Battle of the Alamo Alamo is the Spanish word for â€Å"cottonwood† and was originally named mision San Antonio de Valero and has been a part of Texas history since 1724. During the early 1800’s a Spanish military cavalry referred to the old mission as the Alamo in honor of their hometown Alamo de Parrass, Coahuila. The Alamo served as a home to missionaries and Indians but most of its inhabitants have been soldiers. The Alamo was home for Revolutionaries and Royalists during the ten-year struggle for Mexican independence. The Alamo was even occupied by Spanish, rebel, and Mexican forces until the Texas Revolution. December 1835, Ben Milam and a group of Texan and Tejano volunteers were involved in a nasty skirmish with Mexican troops quartered in the city of San Antonio. Finally after five days of fighting, General Martin Perfecto de Cos and his soldiers were forced to surrender. The volunteers than occupied the Alamo and strengthened its already fortified defenses. All was good until February 23, 1836. After losing San Antonio to the Texans during the Siege of Bexar, Mexican General Santa Anna determined to retake this key location and at the same time impress upon the Texans the futility of further resistance to Mexican rule. The arrival of General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna and his army nearly caught the volunteers by surprise. Nonetheless, the Texans and Tejanos prepared to defend the Alamo together and they did for thirteen long days against Santa Anna’s army. The commander of the Alamo was Colonel William B. Travis. He sent out couriers to communities in Texas pleading for help. On the eighth day of the siege, a small gathering of thirty-two volunteers arrived from Gonzales, bringing the total number to nearly two hundred. These freedom fighters knew that the Alamo was essential to the defense of Texas and they were ready to die rather than surrender to the Mexican army. As legend goes, Colonel Travis drew a l... Free Essays on The Battle Of The Alamo Free Essays on The Battle Of The Alamo The Battle of the Alamo Alamo is the Spanish word for â€Å"cottonwood† and was originally named mision San Antonio de Valero and has been a part of Texas history since 1724. During the early 1800’s a Spanish military cavalry referred to the old mission as the Alamo in honor of their hometown Alamo de Parrass, Coahuila. The Alamo served as a home to missionaries and Indians but most of its inhabitants have been soldiers. The Alamo was home for Revolutionaries and Royalists during the ten-year struggle for Mexican independence. The Alamo was even occupied by Spanish, rebel, and Mexican forces until the Texas Revolution. December 1835, Ben Milam and a group of Texan and Tejano volunteers were involved in a nasty skirmish with Mexican troops quartered in the city of San Antonio. Finally after five days of fighting, General Martin Perfecto de Cos and his soldiers were forced to surrender. The volunteers than occupied the Alamo and strengthened its already fortified defenses. All was good until February 23, 1836. After losing San Antonio to the Texans during the Siege of Bexar, Mexican General Santa Anna determined to retake this key location and at the same time impress upon the Texans the futility of further resistance to Mexican rule. The arrival of General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna and his army nearly caught the volunteers by surprise. Nonetheless, the Texans and Tejanos prepared to defend the Alamo together and they did for thirteen long days against Santa Anna’s army. The commander of the Alamo was Colonel William B. Travis. He sent out couriers to communities in Texas pleading for help. On the eighth day of the siege, a small gathering of thirty-two volunteers arrived from Gonzales, bringing the total number to nearly two hundred. These freedom fighters knew that the Alamo was essential to the defense of Texas and they were ready to die rather than surrender to the Mexican army. As legend goes, Colonel Travis drew a l...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Management Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management Questions - Essay Example Concentration is a unit of summary measures that connects proportion with numbers. Regardless of the knowledge on customer's risks of individuals with high accuracy degree or knowledge on the relationship between customers' risks a reduced concentration will lead to an overall reduction on the organizations credit risk exposure and its range of receivables thus increasing the firm's diversification The management should be deeply concerned in overcoming initial pitfalls and in provision of the finances required in the export process. These he can do by closely monitoring the efforts towards international marketing. The management should seek export guidance from qualified personnel which will assist them in developing a good marketing strategy prior to the start of the export business. The developed strategy should incorporate the export objectives plus expected 'negatives'. The management should be extra cautious when selecting distributors from overseas. Best distributors are those who are very independent in their work. However, the international distributors should be given the same treatment as the domestic counterparts with much emphasis on orderly growth and profitable ventures. The management should never hold assumptions that given product marketing techniques will obviously succeed in all countries i.e. what works in Israel may fail in Korea. It is therefore important for the management to treat each market separately in order to succeed. Since each country has a different culture and therefore a different cultural preference the management should have the willingness to modify their products so as to meet the said differences. The management should take advantage of economies of scale. This can be made possible through the enlargement of the overall sales base so as to spread the exports fixed costs. Question five The management might be required to divert its key personnel from the domestic responsibilities so as they can help in developing the company's export procedures. The initial procedures and start-up decisions might end up consuming most of the company's precious time a thing that will slow its operations. The whole excise might turn out to be very expensive since the sales promotion material, brochures and catalogues will be required to be translated in the many foreign languages involved in the exporting business. Together with these the company might need to add its plant facilities so as to cope with the now expanding market. Export will definitely require additional funds because it is known to be a very expensive exercise which involves regular product modifications so as to meet the varying specifications of the foreign markets. The management will be required to allow credit terms so as to keep pace with the highly competitive global market, the local customs authority and the travel arrangements. Question six Where transportation means are not available the company will make low sales. Also when the transportation costs are too high the company will be constrained on the amount to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Motor Cycle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Motor Cycle - Essay Example Provide a rationale for the response. A project organization is a formation that allows the management and execution of project tasks. Its primary motive is to create a setting that promotes communications amongst the group participants with a minimal amount of disorder, conflict and overlap. One of the significant results of project management is the type of managerial structure that will be applied for the project. Every project has its exclusive features and the framework of a managerial outline must deem the organizational background, the project attributes in which it will function, and the range of power and control the project manager is delegated with. A project framework can take on a variety of types with every type having its own benefits and limitations. One of the key purposes of the structure is to lessen uncertainty and perplexity that characteristically takes place at the project commencement stage. The type of project organization explains the relationships amongst a ssociates of the project team and the link with the outside ambience. The structure exhibits the ability through the way of a graphical diagram referred to as an organization chart (PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS, 2007). For the present scenario a suitable project organization should be developed for manufacturing larger touring class motor cycles.... In this type of structure the project manager exerts total control over the essential resources and the project tasks necessary to attain the aims from within the parent management or from staying away from it, subject to the quality, budget and scope restraints recognized within the process involved in the completion of the project. For manufacturing larger touring class motor cycles it would be appropriate to choose the project based structure since a project manager is involved in this specific structure who would handle the organization’s new project of manufacturing large touring class motorcycles. The recommended steps for the organization are- Surveying the market for getting the response of the customers regarding the large touring class motorcycles. This will help the firm to acquire important information about the customer’s choice and competitor’s product. Considering all other environmental forces like political, economic, social, cultural, legal and technological factors and their effects on the product. Implementing the feedback collected from the market in efficiently developing a sample product. Marketing a few sample products to find out its level of acceptability. Finally setting up the product development framework. 2. Recommend one (1) strategy to the senior executives that the organization might use to balance short- and long-term needs. Specify the crucial resources that you would need as a project manager to run the existing business interests at the same time that the business changes to the production of touring class motorcycles. A strategy suitable for the senior executives which can be implemented by the firm to strike a balance between the short and long term requirements is the application of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Philosophy of Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Philosophy of Life - Essay Example Throughout my whole life the sense of family has been a value instilled in me by my grandparents and parents. They have always have stressed the importance of spending time together as a family, so growing up, family has just been a part of the person I was slowly becoming. Every Sunday after church,our family tradition has always been to have my father’s side of the family to get together for breakfast. It is something that is always the same, we have the main dish of cheesy eggs with toast, and everyone is responsible for bringing a side dish to go with the main meal. My grandparent’s house is filled with the chattering and laughing of everyone updating one another on how their week has gone. The men sit in the family room discussing farming, sports, or weather. While the women gather in the kitchen filling each other in on the latest gossip or upcoming events in our town. Then there is the chaos of the grandkids and great grandkids running around and screaming as the y play various games together. My grandma has always insisted it was something we had to do. She wanted us all to know what was going on in each others lives and not lose track of the importance of family, regardless of our busy schedules. It is a tradition that we have continued even after she left us for the higher plain. We continue the tradition knowing that she would have wanted us to do so. Now that I am older and in college I realize I miss being able to go see my family every Sunday and look forward to it when I come home. Even though family has always been something I valued, now that I am further away and unable to see them as often, I have developed an even stronger appreciation for the significance of spending time together as a family. Honesty is another value that has been influenced and expected of me by my family as I was growing up. From the time I was achild my parents always promoted the importance of honesty, and demonstrated it to us by being good examples to fo llow. Throughout my rebellious high school years, my freshman and sophomore years, was when I truly implemented honesty as one of my own values that I found imperative to uphold and not just something that was expected of me. During my rebellious years I would defy my parents and make up lies about where I was truly going. In most of the cases it ended up getting me into more trouble than if I would have told them honestly where I was going right away. After countless times of my parents figuring out I had lied and punishing me for my deviance, I finally realized it was easier to be honest. Telling them where I was going and what I would be doing allowed us to develop a sense of trust , openness, and an earnest relationship with one another that I value to this very day. The trusted me more, and to my surprise they actually approved of the events I thought they would prevent me from attending. Now honesty is something I believe to have great worth and feel as though I have more resp ect for myself as a result of incorporating honesty into my value system. Teamwork is another value very important to me. I developed teamwork early on in my childhood and have continued to build on it from playing sports. During elementary school I participated in both basketball and little league softball. Starting out learning all the basic rules and skills of the sport was a challenge. Then by actually playing the game it became critical to work together

Friday, November 15, 2019

Indias Current Relations And Foreign Policy Politics Essay

Indias Current Relations And Foreign Policy Politics Essay Modern Indias foreign policy came in to being with the independence in 1947. Till then, the nation, as a satellite of the British Empire, was bound by the identity and postulates of foreign policy dictated by the erstwhile Empire. Thereafter, India charted a course of its own independent foreign policy. The same being a subject of vast scope and not particularly relevant to this thesis is not discussed here. It would be worthwhile in scheme of things to discuss the basic determinants which steer Indias policy in case of Middle East which is based on following five primary factors  [7]  :- (a) Reliance on Middle East gas and oil, which makes it binding on India to maintain cordial relations with most of the major suppliers, including Iran, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. However, India does not want to face any temporary cut-off in its supplies or an increased price hike. Also, it does not want to be dependent on Pakistan in this regard. (b) While being a secular democracy, India is also a major Muslim state, and relations with Iran, in particular, resonate in the northern Indian heartland, notably Uttar Pradesh. Also, India has a large group of Shia support groups. Thus, India has to balance between its foreign and economic policies on one hand, and domestic politics on the other. Indias preferred strategy is to avoid, at all costs, any stark choice between the loss of domestic political support and achieving some foreign policy goal. (c) India is hyper sensitive to criticism of its policies in Kashmir, and wants to keep the major Muslim nations from either intervening in Kashmir or supporting Pakistan. Thus, India conducts balance of power diplomacy, aimed at countering Pakistani influence in Middle East and to keep Kashmir away from any discussions. (d) India has initiated relations with Israel in field of technology, military benefits intelligence leading to increase in its influence in Washington. However, India has to carefully balance its equations with Israel and other Middle East nations. (e) India also does not want to run afoul of USs non-proliferation policies in the Middle East, even though strategically speaking India has reservations about us non-proliferation goals and tactics. Conventionally India was instrumental in building a theoretical case against NPT. The same arguments are now been used by Iran and North Korea for advancing their cases. 14. The major players in Middle East region presently are Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq and Israel. The other smaller Gulf States like Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Lebanon, Syria, Kuwait, Yemen and few other states constitute the rest of Middle East region. Out of the said nations Iraq presently has ceased to be an important power in the region after the occupation by the UN forces backed mainly by US and NATO states. 15. India has traditionally pursued a pro-Arab policy towards Middle East nations and remained aligned against Israel until 1990s. This was basically aimed at countering Pakistans influence in the region and to secure access to Middle East petroleum resources. In the late 1960s and 1970s, India successfully developed mutually beneficial economic exchanges with a number of Middle East countries particularly Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and other Persian states, thereby, improving bilateral relations with them. This strong relationship particularly with Iran and Iraq helped India weather the displeasure of Islamic nations during 1971 Indo-Pak war.  [8]  The relationship was further cemented by Indias anti Israeli stance during 1967 and 1973 Arab Israel conflict. The situation continued until 1978 and 1979 when the establishing of Islamic regime under Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan supporting the Marxist regime in Kabul complicated Indias relations wi th Middle East. This resulted in weakening of Iran as regional power and emergence of Pakistan as important player in balance of power in the region. The major powers like US, China and Arab world aligned themselves towards Pakistan to counter the rising Soviet influence in the region. For about a decade India did the act of fine balancing its stand and role in the region. However, in the 1990s India took a deviation from its staunch anti Israel stand and initiated relations with the Zionist state. This was dictated by practical economic and security considerations in the post Cold war era and the influence of Hindu nationalist sentiments. Thus, following the example of Soviet Union and China, India also established relations with Israel. Once again during the Persian Gulf War (1990-91) Indias Middle East policy had to face a new test. It had to decide between adhering to its traditional Non Alignment policy sympathetic to Iraq or favour the coalition of Arab and Western countries w hich would have been beneficial to Indias economic and security interests. After initial ambivalent approach India joined ranks with the later and supported the UN resolution authorising the use of force to expel Iraq from the Kuwaiti territory. The improvement of relations with most Middle East nations was pursued with renewed vigour by the Indian government in mid 1990s. The present relations of India with Middle East nations are discussed in subsequent paragraphs. 16. Saudi Arabia. Historically Indo- Saudi ties have been based on trade. In the old times it involved spices and in modern times it has become based on petroleum. Besides, the two nations also share cultural ties due to the large number of Muslim population in India and 1.6 million Indian work force in Saudi.  [9]  India and Saudi Arabia initially established diplomatic relations in 1952 and their relationship progressed smoothly in the 1950s but suffered during the Cold war era due to Indias inclination towards the Soviet block and Saudis traditionally close relations with Pakistan. Thereafter, Indias relations improved with Saudi Arabia in beginning of 1980s and increased cooperation was seen in economic, trade, science, technical and cultural fields. However, once again the relations felt the heat on account of different stands taken by both the nations during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan. The Saudi Arabia initially supported the mujahideens followed by the Taliban, w hereas, the India supported the cause of the Northern Alliance. The relations between the two once again saw improvement in 1990s leading to increased visits, exchanges and economic and scientific cooperation. This was followed by the signing of Delhi Declaration in 2006, a wide ranging agreement which includes in its ambit mutual agreement to strengthen and broaden economic ties, cooperating in combating international crime and ensuring the stability of the oil trade.  [10]  The relations between both the nations are grounded on the following defining factors:- (a) Economic. Although, based on energy exports the bilateral trade relationship between the two has grown significantly since mid 1990s. In FY 2007 India imported $ 12.4 billion of petroleum from Saudi Arabia (26% of Indias overall petro import). The non-oil bilateral trade also increased from $ 1.3 billion in FY-2002 to $ 3.5 billion in FY-2007. In addition India also received remittances worth $3 billion from the workers in Saudi Arabia. The predicted bilateral non-oil trade between the two nations is likely to cross $7 billion in FY-2010.  [11]   (b) Defence, Labour Relations and Education. India and Saudi Arabia are working towards an increased cooperation on defence and related technology. The sizable Indian diaspora in Saudi Arabia is also an important contributor to the required workforce so vital to its economy. Another focus area between the two nations is education and efforts are being made to enable increased number of Saudi Arabia students to pursue Post Graduate and Doctoral studies, especially in technical institutions of India. 17. Iran. The relations between Iran and India trace back to 3500 years ago, however, in much of the twentieth century they have shared a unstable relationship. Diplomatic ties between the two commenced in 1950 but immediately faced the first roadblock when Iran joined the Baghdad Pact. Thereafter, the relations improved in 1960s but again received a setback when Iran aided Pakistan in 1965 conflict against India. Subsequent to 1971s decisive victory over Pakistan the relation between the two slates improved considerably and led to number of agreements including that on nuclear cooperation in 1974.  [12]  However, the establishment of theocratic Iran in 1979, subsequent to the Islamic Revolution once again upset the apple cart. The relationship between the two remained cold during the entire 1980s as Iran didnt show any inclination to improve the relationship and India remained wary that Iran will import Shiate terrorism to India. The relationship between the two improved in 1990 due to Indias desire to secure energy supplies and economic opportunities in Central Asia and the opposition of both the countries to the Taliban in Afghanistan. The rise of Sunni Islamist forces in Afghan theatre, especially Pakistan based Taliban proved a great unifying force leading to deterioration of Iran- Pakistan relations. The Indo-Iran relations picked up further momentum as India opened towards it due to its energy requirements subsequent to loss of Iraqi sources after 1991 Gulf war. The main foundations of relations between India and Iran are discussed below:- (a) Economics and Energy. India is worlds sixth largest consumer of energy and Iran is the fourth largest supplier, obviously, energy is the most important pillar between them.  [13]  Both the nations have held regular bilateral meetings focusing primarily on the energy supply issues including the proposal for a Liquefied Gas Pipeline from Iran to India through Pakistan and alternatively, through tanker. However, the said scheme has not been fructified due to US pressure on India and Pakistan against the deal and the Indian fear that it will provide Pakistan too much leverage over Indian energy supplies. However, the plan has proved resilient and not yet died down. Meanwhile certain other bottlenecks to the scheme have emerged inform of increased pricing by Iran. On its part India is keen to commence procurement of LNG by sea, which will require establishing LNG terminals at Iran to allow exports. This is not possible because it will require certain US components which will end u p violating the US sanctions against Iran. The present state of the said scheme is in limbo. (b) Defence Cooperation. Defense cooperation has been another important part of the Indo-Iranian relationship. In the 1990s, India assisted Iran with upgrading its Russian-built military equipment, including adapting batteries for its Kilo-class die ­sel submarines avionics upgrades for its MiG-29 fighters. Since 2000, India has conducted joint patrols or exer ­cises with the majority of the navies of the Indian Ocean littoral. The 2003 meeting between Khatami and Vajpayee on Indias Republic Day produced the Road Map to Strategic Cooperation, which presents goals for fulfill ­ing the cooperation envisioned in the New Delhi Declaration. A number of reports have mentioned more direct Indo-Iranian coopera ­tion in the realm of defense, such as Tehrans acquiescence to Iran-based Indian intelligence operations and even potential Indian military bases in Iran. Indias assistance in upgrading the Iranian port of Chahbahar has led many to infer that Indian warships would be based ther e in order to outflank Pakistans China-assisted Gwadar port, seemingly pitting rising power against rising power. 18. Israel. Indo-Israeli ties remained at a low level throughout the cold war for both ideological and practical reasons. Indias large Muslim population was, of course, a factor. Furthermore, Jawaharlal Nehru, Indias prime minister until 1964 was a close friend of Egypts Nasser, who was an implacable foe of Israel. While India and Israel periodically cooperated on mutual interests, such as Israeli aid to India during the 1962 war with China or proposed plans to destroy the Pakistani reactor at Kahuta in the 1980s,  [14]  their public relationship often was acrimonious, especially after the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, which put Indias allies in direct conflict with Israel. In fact, in 1975 India publicly supported and funded the Palestine Liberation Organization and voted for the UN resolution to equate Zionism with racism. The decline of the Soviet Union forced India to re-evaluate its foreign policy resulting in opening of the Indian economy and a desire to trade with high-tech state s, including Israel. The new approach to foreign policy, combined with the new initiatives to end the Arab-Israeli conflict in the wake of the 1991 Gulf War and the push by the opposition led to India initiating close ties with Israel and the two countries established full diplomatic relations in 1992. For nearly a decade afterward, commercial trade in arms and other goods thrived and ties were quietly strengthened. Indo-Israeli military exer ­cises and agreements in the fields of the environment, health, illicit traffic in drugs, visa waivers for diplomatic service personnel, and an educational cultural exchange program. In the same year, India and Israel issued the Delhi Statement on Friendship and Cooperation, in which they agreed to cooperate closely on counterterrorism and called on the international com ­munity to take decisive action against cross-border terrorism and money-laundering operations to finance terrorism. 19. Defense collaboration and arms sales with Israel picked up in January 1999 when the United States withdrew the sanctions that it had imposed on India in the wake of New Delhis 1998 nuclear test. In the late 1990s India purchased unmanned aerial vehicles, artillery, and radar systems from Israel. The emerging Indo-Israeli relationship was codified in 2001 with the creation of the Joint Defense Cooperation Group, which meets annually to solidify defense deals and military ties and coordi ­nate the security relationship. India has become Israels largest arms market, overtaking Russia in 2009. India has purchased a wide range of technically advanced equipment and weapons from Israel, including antimissile radar and electronic warfare components for the Indian navy and air force, for a total of more than $5 billion since 2002. 20. Indias Relations with The Small Gulf States. Indias ties with the geographically small but economically important Gulf states of Oman, Qatar, the UAE, Bahrain, and Kuwait have been historically good due to trade and migration and their current economic relationship is booming. Indias trade with the six Gulf Coopera ­tion Council states (excluding oil) totaled $86.9 billion in FY 2008-09, sur ­passing Indias trade with the European Union ($80.6 billion), the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries ($44.6 billion), and the United States ($40.6 billion).  [15]  Looking to the future, Indian leaders have expressed a desire to continue the rapid expansion of trade, attract Gulf investment for major infrastructure projects, and broaden their Gulf state relationships beyond economics. In a May 2008 speech in Abu Dhabi, Indias external affairs minister, Pranab Mukherjee, called for a transformation of Indias relations with the Gulf states beyond that of a buyer-s eller relation ­ship to a more substantial and enduring partnership. With Indias thriv ­ing economic relationship with the Gulf, continuing demographic ties and nascent defense cooperation, such an evolution may already be under way.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Public Education in the Philippines Essay

Literacy rate in the Philippines has improved a lot over the last few years- from 72 percent in 1960 to 94 percent in 1990. This is attributed to the increase in both the number of schools built and the level of enrollment in these schools. The number of schools grew rapidly in all three levels – elementary, secondary, and tertiary. From the mid-1960s up to the early 1990, there was an increase of 58 percent in the elementary schools and 362 percent in the tertiary schools. For the same period, enrollment in all three levels also rose by 120 percent. More than 90 percent of the elementary schools and 60 percent of the secondary schools are publicly owned. However, only 28 percent of the tertiary schools are publicly owned. A big percentage of tertiary-level students enroll in and finish commerce and business management courses. Table 1 shows the distribution of courses taken, based on School Year 1990-1991. Note that the difference between the number of enrollees in the commerce and business courses and in the engineering and technology courses may be small – 29. 2 percent for commerce and business and 20. 3 percent for engineering and technology. However, the gap widens in terms of the number of graduates for the said courses. TABLE 1: TERTIARY ENROLLMENT AND GRADUATION BY FIELD OF STUDY. SY 1990-1991 FIELD OF STUDY ENROLLMENT GRADUATION No. % No. % Arts and Sciences 196,711 14. 6 29,961 13. 6 Teacher Training & Education 242,828 18. 0 34,279 15. 5 Engineering & Technology 273,408 20. 3 32,402 14. 7 Medical and Health – related Programs 176,252 13. 1 34,868 15. 8 Commerce/Business Management 392,958 29. 2 79,827 36. 1 Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery, and Veterinary Medicine 43,458 3. 2 7,390 3. 3 Law 20,405 1. 5 2,111 1. 0 Religion / Theology 1,695 0. 1 209 0. 1 TOTAL 1,347,715 100. 0 221,047 100. 0 On gender distribution, female students have very high representation in all three levels. At the elementary level, male and female students are almost equally represented. But female enrollment exceeds that of the male at the secondary and tertiary levels . Also, boys have higher rates of failures, dropouts, and repetition in both elementary and secondary levels. Aside from the numbers presented above, which are impressive, there is also a need to look closely and resolve the following important issues: 1) quality of education 2) affordability of education 3) goverment budget for education; and 4) education mismatch. Quality – There was a decline in the quality of the Philippine education, especially at the elementary and secondary levels. For example, the results of standard tests conducted among elementary and high school students, as well as in the National College of Entrance Examination for college students, were way below the target mean score. Affordability – There is also a big disparity in educational achievements across social groups. For example, the socioeconomically disadvantaged students have higher dropout rates, especially in the elementary level. And most of the freshmen students at the tertiary level come from relatively well-off families. Budget – The Philippine Constitution has mandated the goverment to allocate the highest proportion of its budget to education. However, the Philippines still has one of the lowest budget allocations to education among the ASEAN countries. Mismatch – There is a large proportion of â€Å"mismatch† between training and actual jobs. This is the major problem at the tertiary level and it is also the cause of the existence of a large group of educated unemployed or underemployed. The following are some of the reforms proposed: Upgrade the teachers’ salary scale. Teachers have been underpaid; thus there is very little incentive for most of them to take up advanced trainings. Amend the current system of budgeting for education across regions, which is based on participation rates and units costs. This clearly favors the more developed regions. There is a need to provide more allocation to lagging regions to narrow the disparity across regions. Stop the current practice of subsidizing state universities and colleges to enhance access. This may not be the best way to promote equity. An expanded scholarship program, giving more focus and priority to the poor, maybe more equitable. Get all the leaders in business and industry to become actively involved in higher education; this is aimed at addressing the mismatch problem. In addition, carry out a selective admission policy, i. e. , installing mechanisms to reduce enrollment in oversubscribed courses and promoting enrollment in undersubscribed ones. Develop a rationalized apprenticeship program with heavy inputs from the private sector. Furthermore, transfer the control of technical training to industry groups which are more attuned to the needs of business and industry.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Two Species of Elephants

In the present day there exists two species of elephants. These two species have many relatives that have come before them and died out. Several of these species are Paleomastodon, Deinotherlum, Gompotherium, Prlmelephas which Is a direct ancestor to the modern day elephant, Stegadon, American mastodon, and wooly mammoth. All of these species are considered Proboscidea which are mammals that have trunks â€Å"proboscidea encompasses the trunked mammals† (J.D. Illiger). Within the probosciedea family there consists the elpephantidea, which elephants would be considered. There are many dfferent types of elephants due to where the species was located and the types of plants in which they ate. The earliest common ancestor of all elephants was the Paleomastodon which originated in Africa about 36-35 million years ago. It was a small mammal that had a trunk and it evolved into the many different species of elephant.One of the first species that adapted from the Paleomastadon was the Delnothenum which lived In Africa and had tusks that pointed downward which helped it scarpe of bark from a tree. It also had a small brain which scientist believe Is responsible for Its extinction ue to lack of intelligence compared to other species. Gomphotherium is another species ot elephant that lived in the Americas, Europe, Delgrosso 2 and Asla and originated about 13 million years ago. It lived in swampy lake areas and marshes.This species had long tusks and a short trunked which was adapted to help It dig through mud to find aquatic vegetation. Stegadon which was the largest of all the species of elephants grew to its size to due to abundance of food that it would find in the parts of asia in which it lived. Most of them died out hundreds of housands of years ago except for a subspecies that lives in Indonesia on an Island of flores. This subspecies was smaller than the other species since it was secluded on an island and did not have access to as much food.The American Ma stadon was found in the Americas and was a fur covered species of elephant, to help protect it from the colder climates, that was hunted Into extinction by humans about 10,000 years ago. Primeelephas is a direct genus to the modern day elephant and originated in Africa about 23 million years ago. It evolved Into three new species the Wooly mammoth, African elephant, and Asian elephant. The wooly mammoth lived in most places In the northern hemisphere and was covered In a coat of fur due to the cold climates in which it lived.It lived through the last ice age and died out at the end of it due to hunting and the quick climate change. The two living species of elephant left are the African elephant or loxodante and the Asian elephant or elephas. These two species are very similar except that the Asian elephant has an arched back while the t Of2 KS OT tne ATrlcan elephant. Delgrosso 3 ATrlcan elepnants DacK Is relatlvely stralg an tne longer tus All species of animals must adapt to surv ive. It is through these adaptations that ifferent species arise.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Post Slavery

, or attitudes by African Americans implying equality or common rights. After few traces of freedom whites stopped the steps toward integration. Unfortunately the freedom of African Americans began in an atmosphere that was as unpromising emotionally as it was economically, and politically. Most southern whites felt it was their duty to â€Å"keep blacks in their place†, and they did this through violence. Local governments also imposed severe vagrancy laws applied to black adults, compulsory apprentice laws for black children and... Free Essays on Post Slavery Free Essays on Post Slavery Black Migration In the United States Of America During the 20th Century â€Å" The North was the Promised Land. It was the land of hope. But it was not quite the fulfillment of the Promised Land as we had anticipated. Yes, they had better jobs, your children could go to better schools, and they could vote. But there were so many other obstacles, like racism: the transfer of the Jim Crow of the South, to the racism of the North.† -Timuel Black, historian Between the turn of the century and 1930, more than 1 million black southerners set out on one of America’s most important mass movements. These people migrated from the South’s countryside to the cities in the North. They hoped to find better jobs, a new sense of citizenship, and a new respect for themselves, their families, and a chance at a new life. In 1863 the black population experienced the abolition of slavery by the Emancipation Proclamation, but slavery lasted many years until their arrival in urban America. To understand why they left the rural South we first must go back and review the harsh and unbearable conditions that forced them to migrate. Even before the Civil War, the Dred Scott Decision showed the situation of African Americans in the United States society. Immediately after the war and after two centuries of slavery white southerners resented not only the emancipation, but also any behavior, words, or attitudes by African Americans implying equality or common rights. After few traces of freedom whites stopped the steps toward integration. Unfortunately the freedom of African Americans began in an atmosphere that was as unpromising emotionally as it was economically, and politically. Most southern whites felt it was their duty to â€Å"keep blacks in their place†, and they did this through vi olence. Local governments also imposed severe vagrancy laws applied to black adults, compulsory apprentice laws for black children and...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Brief History of Microsoft essays

Brief History of Microsoft essays Bill Gates the founder of Microsoft, the once young and eager teenager was running a small business made-up of other teenagers. Now the richest man in the world controlling an operating system practically every IBM compatible computer in the world uses. Computers are not the only things that Microsoft desires. Now they wish to influence the Internet. With all the opportunities that it offers many companies race to develop software to get people and businesses on the Internet. Many dislike the power Microsoft has come to possess and might gain more of it, but is there anything anybody can do? IBM has taken on the leader of software with an innovative new operating system known as OS/2, but will they have a chance? Microsoft may be unstoppable with its foundation, influence and power but is that enough to practically own the computerized world as we know it? Usually, when we mention Microsoft in any form we must have the registered trademark symbol right next to the word. The name is a well-known word in virtually everyone's life. Although it is the super-empire it is today Microsoft was once a small software business ran by a young Bill Gates in a tiny office. Consisting of a few young adults, they were not progressing as much as they would like too. Their competitors had it a little worse working out of their not so tidy two-story house made up of a husband and wife. The massive change occurred when a couple of IBM representatives showed up at the door of the CP/M founders only to be turned away. This was very rare to happen, since IBM was so highly respected by programmers at the time. IBM is introduced to a young man named Bill Gates. He was mistaken for an office helper but later strikes a serious offer for Microsoft products. The one program that was unavailable at the time would be an operating system soon to be call ed QDOS; a raw form of the Disk Operating System we know today. When called upon by IBM ...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Computer Web Services (SOA, restful services) Essay

Computer Web Services (SOA, restful services) - Essay Example This essay focuses on the discussing of web services and web applications in business. The researcher states that popularity of web services and SOA has offered a great potential for drastic reductions in cost for integrating business applications with much higher flexibility and reusability. A key to the success of SOA is the distinct separation of the service interface from its implementation. The clients which consume these services have no idea how these services execute their requests. Web services are the next big thing in the evolution of the Web as they have a lot to offer the world in terms of infrastructure and automation tools for promoting inter-business relationships over the Internet. REST has also caught everyone’s attention in a big way and has given rise to a novel way to design web services that restricts any kind of dependency on proprietary middleware and application software. REST is slowly replacing the SOAP and WSDL-based design and using RESTful APIs to expose a system’s resources has proved to be a very flexible approach to provide different applications with standard formatted data. These new technologies, that were discussed in the essay have not only enabled organizations to think in a big way, but also brave the challenges thrown ahead of them in terms of new, evolving technologies that are present and rapidly changing architectural trends. It has empowered them to adapt to the ever changing face of IT and confidently address their business goals and objectives.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Implementation of organisational identification Essay

Implementation of organisational identification - Essay Example Organizational identification is, according to Gemmiti (2008, 6), â€Å"an individual’s knowledge of belonging or membership to a group of members of the organization.† This knowledge of belonging to a particular organization is heavily based on emotions and has a great influence on an individual’s behavior. The identification comes with an employee’s understanding and realizing of how their personal goals and values are aligned with the goals and values of the organization. Finally, as such goals, norms and values are aligned, the employee adds that group membership to their overall self-concept (Meyer, Becker, and Van Dick 2006). Therefore, it can be said that organizational identification refers to whether an employee associates themselves with the organization in which they work and whether an employee views themselves as a part of the organization. According to Van Dick, Grojean, Christ, and Wieseke (2006), the concept of social identity can help to determine how organizational identification is related to organizational citizenship (Van Dick, Grojean, Christ, and Wieseke 2006). The two concepts, according to the researchers (Van Dick, Grojean, Christ, and Wieseke 2006), are positively related because individuals’ self-concepts are formed on the basis of belonging to certain organization. The stronger the feeling of belonging is, the more effort a person is willing to devote to the development of that organization. Therefore, in an organization, the more organizational goals and norms are in line with those of the individual, the more devoted that individual is to the organization. So, organizationa l commitment is also related to organizational identification. Organizational commitment is very important for employers because it determines the level of employee performance, job satisfaction, absenteeism and other productivity-related factors. This paper critically examines the concept of organizational identification, and analyzes how it is related to organizational performance, individual performance, job satisfaction and productivity. Literature review Organizational identification and organizational commitment An empirical study conducted by He and Mukherjee (2008) examined how organizational identification was related to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The research was conducted with Chinese salespeople and showed that organizational identification represents a link between job satisfaction and job commitment. Job satisfaction was divided by the researchers into intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic job satisfaction referred to how employees viewed their partic ular jobs. Extrinsic job satisfaction included employee’s satisfaction by their working conditions, such as pay, environment, and management. The two different types of job satisfaction related differently to both organizational identification and organizational commitment. In particular, as He and Mukherjee (2008, 2) outline, †extrinsically motivated job satisfaction has a stronger relationship with organisational identification than intrinsically motivated job satisfaction.† The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire was used by the researchers to measure job satisfaction. An Organisational Commitment Questionnaire was used for measuring organizational commitment. Finally, an Organizational identification measure designed by Ashforth and Mael (1992) was used to measure organizational identification of 438 Chinese salespeople representing real estate industry. The results showed that extrinsic job satisfaction had a positive influence on organizational id

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Why Are College Students Stressed What Can We Do Essay

Why Are College Students Stressed What Can We Do - Essay Example ausal factors that contribute to stress within the life college student as well as some prescriptive changes that can be utilized as a function of reducing the overall level stress. In such a manner, it is the hope of this particular author that the information which will be put forward can be useful not only in seeking to further define this negative externality of you but in seeking to promote best practices that will improve the quality of life, health, and stress reduction of the individual that might otherwise high stress during their college years. Firstly, and perhaps most obviously, there are two types of pressures that are inherent within the university system. The first of these has to do with pressures that are placed upon the student by the University and those that are placed on the student by none other than the student themselves. Although these definitions may seem somewhat simplistic, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms by which these stressors impact upon the student are various and multifaceted. Taking the example of the way in which the University creates expectations that stress the student, this can of course be understood in terms of race, scholarships, class standing, and other norms that exist within the University system. Whereas it is true that it is necessary for a student to put forth maximum effort as a function of learning the material at hand, most educators would currently agree that the University education has become so focused upon this component of education that the learning of the mate rial, is a distant third or fourth in terms of overall priorities (Pedersen 623). This is a fundamental drawback and weakness that is exhibited within the current educational system in colleges and universities around the country. In order for this to be ameliorated, it will be necessary for universities and colleges to insist that educational attainment and knowledge acquisition is the main determinant by which success can be judged;

Monday, October 28, 2019

Weimar Constitution Essay Example for Free

Weimar Constitution Essay To what extent was the effective government of Germany in the years 1919–33 handicapped by the nature of the Weimar Constitution? It is for certain that the Weimar Constitution had an impact in the effective government of Germany in the years of 1919-33. However, it can be argued from both sides whether this constitution had a negative or positive impact on the effective government. One could say that the constitution was a dominant factor in the ineffectiveness of the government, while on the other hand it could be argued that ineptness of the government is due to other external factors such as defeat and the depression A major flaw in the Weimar constitution was the proportional representation electoral system, which was an attempt to become more democratic. Democracy comes at the price of a strong government as it is usually difficult to form a stable government in a democracy. This can be manifested by the fact that in the mere period of 14 years, there were 21 different governments and 13 chancellors. This shows that the Weimar government lacked stability and strength which would make it almost impossible for the government to be effective and tackle the problems. How could the government solve the difficult troubles that Germany was facing, when they could not even manage to cooperate and unite? Since, proportional representation is one of the fairest electoral systems, it was impossible to form a strong single party government who had a good hold in the Reichstag and only weak coalitions which could not agree upon a decision was formed. Weak coalitions meant ineffective and incompetent governments. On the other hand, it could be said that the Weimar governments were not as unstable as it is claimed to be. The Weimar constitution has produced effective and stable governments such as the grand coalition which was seen as a strong government and it stood for the longest amount of time. Also, despite the numerous changes in government, the base parties of the coalition has remained the same as the Z, DVP and DVP provide the foundation of the coalition most of the time. This exhibits stability among the governments as the coalitions do not go thr ough drastic changes in the parties. Therefore, it could be claimed that the Weimar constitution did not handicap the government from being effective. Fair representation of the votes meant that extremist parties thrived under the PR electoral system. Votes translated into fair representation of seats in the Reichstag which enabled the extremist parties such as the Nazi’s to have the majority of the  seats from the July 1932 elections. This made it almost impossible for the government to be effective as they could not pass legislation through the Reichstag as they did not have the co-operation from the largest party. However, it could be argued that the rise of extremism was due to the Wall Street crash in 1929. There is a key correlation between the economic crisis and the successes of extremist parties. Indeed the Nazis only achieved 3% of the vote in 1928 yet in 1933 they received the majority of seats in the Reichstag from any lone party, over 200. If the depression had not occurred, then extremist parties would not have thrived electorally which in turn, would mean that the government would not have been handicapped in the Reichstag. Hence it could be argued that the ineffectiveness of the government towards the late 1920s was due to an external factor as up until the depression, extremist parties were not a problem to the government. The Weimar constitution did not handicap the governments in the sense that it granted Article 48 which the president could use to pass through any decrees in an ‘emergency’. The governments used this to their favour and passed through many legislation and decrees. Since the chancellor had the support of the President as he was appointed by the President, the governments used Article 48 to be effective. This can be seen when Bruning used it to pass his finance bill in 1930, without him using the Article 48, he would not have been able to pass his finance bill or be effective. Henceforth it could be argued that the Weimar Constitution actually gave the governments a chance to be effective in a difficult situation. On the other hand this constant use of the emergency presidential powers in 1930-33 led to the rise of Hitler as the chancellor which spelled doom for the Weimar government. This extensive use of the emergency presidential powers also displays the ineptness of the government as they could not do anything on their own and had to keep relying on Hindenburg. To avoid this constant use of the Article 48 and produce a truly strong government, Hitler was appointed as his party had a majority in the Reichstag and so the government would be able to pass legislation through their own strength. So, the Weimar constitution could even be credited with the fall of Weimar Republic along with the government as it was unable to produce a string of consistent strong and stable governments. In conclusion, I think that the Weimar constitution played a significant role in the handicapping of the governments as under the PR  electoral system, it was impossible to produce a stable single party governmen t. The electoral system only produced coalitions with uncooperative parties which made dysfunctional governments. This meant they had to rely upon Article 48 too much which led to the rise of Hitler and end of the Weimar era. On the other hand, it could be claimed that the coalitions were not as unstable as they were claimed to be with the base parties almost always being the same. Also, I believe that the depression was the most imperative factor in the ineffectiveness of the government as their support was sapped by the extremist parties which led to the rise of Hitler and also it created an impossible situation to get out of for the governments. Without the depression, it is most likely that Hitler would not have risen to power.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Effective Use of Dialogue in All the Pretty Horses Essay -- Pretty Ho

Effective Use of Dialogue in All the Pretty Horses All the Pretty Horses, by Cormac McCarthy, is, among other things, an exploration of its main character, John Grady Cole. The author chooses words carefully and sparingly when creating dialogue for Cole. In doing so, McCarthy creates poetic effects and rich meaning from limited verbiage. This novelist lets his readers get to know his main character largely through dialogue instead of through direct description. In this way, readers find the techniques used by McCarthy similar to those used by Ernest Hemingway in many of his books and short stories. Like the dialogue of Hemingway's protagonists, Cole's speech is sparse, but it is indicative of a great deal of meaning. In Cole's brief discourse, wise readers can find many individuality indicators that help us to understand this stoic character. The first verbal exchange of this novel only requires 17 words of Cole. The first twelve words tell us a great deal considering the limited number of words used: I appreciate you lighting the candle, he said. Como? La candela. La vela. (4) On the first line of Cole's dialogue, he shows his appreciation of a kindness done for him. This act suggests some goodness in his character. This sentence is in English. The person speaking with Cole in this scene replies in Spanish, and we find that our protagonist is at least bilingual in the next line when he replies to the other speaker in Spanish. The fact that Cole knows two different Spanish words for candle suggests a more extensive understanding of his second language. Readers will find that this is not the only example of individuality indicators expressed in Cole's speech. McCarth... ...r He decides" (60). John Grady Cole clearly does not state that the end of the world, or anything about the end of the world, will be effected by anything he does. Cole's God is in charge. Some readers may judge by word-count that Cole doesn't say very much in this novel, but such is not the case. Cormac McCarthy's protagonist, John Grady Cole, tells us a great deal about himself through his dialogue. The author of this book, like many contemporary writers, expects a lot of his readers, and rewards close examinations of his work with deep insights about his characters. The near-poetic density of the language of John Grady Cole helps the author to speak volumes without having to beat the reader over the head with obvious conclusions. "Evocal to the intelligent alone--for the rest they need interpreters." --Motto Pindar, Olympian Odes, 2:85-6